best Vedic astrologer in India

Astro Anuradha predicted it right-Chandrayan-3 successfully landed on the Moon!   

Astro Anuradha predicted it right-Chandrayan-3 successfully landed on the Moon!   

This is the chart of Chandrayaan Launch which is drawn by the best Vedic astrologer in India taking the place, date and time from SriHari Kota, the place of launch. In the chart, Mars, the Lagna Lord is Digbali in the 10th House and with the 7th Lord and dispositor of Moon, Venus. The 10th House shows Karma and is said to be the greatest of the Kendra or the Karma houses. Mars here is very strong as it is not only Digbali or high in directional strength while aspecting the Lagna but also comfortable as it is placed in…
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