Content Consultant

Harshada Pathare takes a Creative Plunge!

Harshada Pathare takes a Creative Plunge!

“When I think, I create.” That is how Harshada Pathare begins her epilogue as she starts her creative exploration. To capture the spirit and sensibility of the environment thriving around her, she uses the User-research process. Creativity is the perfect solution and universal connector. It takes you all over on - an infinite cruise in the endless waters of imagination. The best thing about creativity is that it enables you to preserve your creation in any form – art, music, book, or poem. To be a successful creative artist, you need to wield a strong focus and patience without any expectations. There…
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Harshada leverages the force of Creative thinking

Harshada leverages the force of Creative thinking

‘Believe it or not, we are all artists in an embryo! Sometimes, amid chaos, healing, or disruptive events, the waters of a comfort break, and the artist comes to life.’ In a nutshell, it is a common story of every extraordinary artist, and Harshada is no exception to the linings. Harshada does a plethora of ethnographic research to turn her writings into insightful and informative pieces. She observes their behavior, reactions and also interacts with people in their natural environment to understand their internal responses and emotions. Further, she interprets their stories without biases and scripts them down on paper…
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